AMACCAO “fighters” attend training “Lead or die”

AMACCAO “fighters” attend training “Lead or die”

On the afternoon of 10/5, a training session on sales skills took place by Mr. To Van Nhat – Vice President of AMACCAO Group directly trained to help AMACCAO employees have more knowledge in developing business strategies effective sales, and marketing.

At AMACCAO, training and retraining of knowledge for all employees in the Group is always a top priority.

Sales skills training class attracts young employees

In addition to the general knowledge training classes for employees of the whole system, AMACCAO’s Board of Directors focuses on opening training courses for employees of the Group’s Business and member companies. By building a sales team – a professional sales “warrior” is a key factor for the success of the business, showing the strength and stature of the business.

So how to dominate the market and defeat competitors? This is one of the goals mentioned in this series of training programs.

Vice-Chairman To Van Nhat imparts AMACCAO “warriors”

At the training session, the members heatedly debated on two main topics: Effective marketing campaign – Changing the form to increase profits. These are also two chapters in the book “Leading or Dead” – one of the books that AMACCAO Board of Directors encourages employees in the Group to read and research. The members shared and shared practical experiences during the working process.

According to Mr. To Van Nhat – Vice Chairman of the Group, despite having an effective business strategy, the salespeople themselves must be the ones who are proactive at all stages. Importantly, they must be people who are proud of the work they do, the products they sell, keep moving forward, and never give up.

The members unanimously determined to make AMACCAO more and more developed

As the Board of Directors of the Group – who has many years of experience in training, coaching as well as practical business strategies, Mr. To Van Nhat has very satisfied and affirmed: “The salesman always be determined and determined with your own work”.

Besides sales skills, Mr. To Van Nhat also inspires the members to love and be proud of the Group. He hopes the employees will not only supplement their professional knowledge but also train themselves with life skills – communication skills to improve themselves.

“No one is born who knows everything. You must never give up and keep trying and practicing every day. For salespeople, speaking skills are extremely important. You have a good product, a good sales strategy, but if you do not know how to convey to customers, you are considered a failure”- Mr. To Van Nhat emphasized.

The training took place in a short time but also brought a lot of useful knowledge and lessons for the “warriors” of the Group.

Some pictures in the classroom:

Practitioners argued vigorously about their views

The serious atmosphere in the classroom

Together with watching the lesson attentively

Share knowledge for colleagues

Teamwork skills are also utilized in the training

The “warriors” actively share their actual stories.

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